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Professional Counseling Services

Depression Counseling

Depression counseling
Sad on Couch

Do you feel an overwhelming sense of sadness?
Are you always tired? Is it hard to get moving?
Are you having difficulty completing daily tasks?

If so, you may be having signs of depression, and you are not alone. Depression affects more than 16 million people each year. At any given time, at least 10% of the population is suffering from depression.

Depression is a serious mental illness that often interferes with many areas in your life. Depression can interfere with your ability to focus and concentrate which can affect work or school.

Depression can interfere with your appetite. You may be eating too much or not wanting to eat at all.

It can change your quality of sleep. You may want to sleep all-day or find you can't sleep at all.

Isolation or withdrawing from others is another sign of depression. Many people find it hard to be around other people, so you separate yourself from family and friends.
Source: National Institute of Mental Health

Anxiety Counseling

Anxiety Counseling

Are you in a constant state of worry?
Do you ask "what if..." questions about your future?
Is it hard for you to "shut off" your brain?

If you experience these feelings of distress, you may be struggling with anxiety. Sadly, anxiety disorders affect approximately 40 million adults each year making it the most common mental illness in the United States.

Although everyone experiences anxiety from time to time, people who have problems with anxiety often have feelings of excessive worrying. They feel overwhelmed by their thoughts and often have difficulty relaxing.

They may also struggle with irrational fear in certain situations. These feelings quite often interfere with their ability to get things done.
Source: National Institute of Mental Health

Stress-Related Trauma Counseling

Stress Related Trauma Counseling

Do you feel emotionally numb or detached from others?
Do you struggle with irritability or outbursts of anger?
Do you have upsetting memories, nightmares or flashbacks?

If so, you may be experiencing symptoms of stress related to a traumatic event such as Acute Stress Disorder or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). At least 50% of the population will experience one traumatic event during their lifetime and approximately 8% will develop symptoms of stress related to trauma. Symptoms often show up immediately after the traumatic event; however, for some people, symptoms do not show up for weeks, months, or even years later.

Stress-related disorders are serious mental illnesses that interfere with many areas of functioning. Stress-related disorders can cause significant personal distress, negatively influence interpersonal relationships, and reduce your overall quality of life. Common traumatizing events include serious accidents or injuries, sexual violence, death-threatening violence, military combat, natural disasters, and sudden and violent loss of a loved one.
Sources: National Institute of Mental Health and Department of Veterans Affairs

Relationship Counseling

Relationship Counseling

Displeased couple arguing about something at home..jpg

Is it hard for you to talk about how you feel?
Do you long for more passion and intimacy?
Are you constantly fighting and feel you're growing apart?

At the root of many difficult relationships is an inability to communicate how you feel, what you need, and where you desire to go (your dreams). Relationship counseling can help you learn to communicate these things without attacking or blaming your partner.

You will learn to share your dreams and positively support one another. This will help to deepen your connection with one another so you can find more joy in doing life together. The key is recognizing problems early and getting help to resolve them.

Adolescent Counseling

Adolescent Counseling

Are you frustrated, angry, and overwhelmed?
Do you often think, "No one understands what I'm going through?"
Do you feel "stuck" and don't see a way out?

If so, you could be having signs of depression or anxiety. You may have thoughts and feelings that are so overwhelming it is hard for you to concentrate and focus. You might be having trouble at school, at home, and problems with your close friends.

Your hormones may be playing a role in how you feel, but often there are other stressful things going on making you feel worse. Many situations are hard for teens to fix on their own.

Begin Your Journey to Healing.

It's Time For You To

Live Again!

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